Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog Manifesto

By Shavaughn Haack

ShavaughnHPlease please check out what my new journ blog is all about, and follow if you're interested: #rublogs

Before I start updating the blog with posts it would be sensible to know where I am going and the reason behind my writing. This is my personal mission statement for the blog:

The blog is aimed at any journalism student who is interested in the lives of others just like themselves. The idea behind our blog is students on a coffee break, discussing their lives as aspiring journalists. There is a reflective feel to it, discussing how the journalism course and media studies has changed the way we read and view media. This blog provides a platform for journalism students to share their ideas, grievances, fears and passions. We are looking to provide informal learning opportunities and a forum to discuss what is going on in the world around us.

I am intrigued by the concept that everyone has a story and the journalist just has to find it. This is what excites me about the world of journalism. Personally, I love observing people and situations, I think you can learn so much from other people. The nature of journalism and reporting allows it to continuously make assessments on society and record events for history along the way. So even when I don't have too much to say myself, there is always someone out there who can share their story.

With my blogging, I aim to produce work and articles that reflect the groups combined personality and identity but also inject my own personality into my pieces. My posts should show the different spheres of a student journalist’s life: the hard work, the relaxation times, the social times but mostly the hard work. I want to use this blog to learn and to be used as an opportunity to grow my writing. I think it is a very important skill to be able to adapt my writing style and broaden my sphere of influence. Aspiring journalists and writers need to consider how the world of journalism is rapidly changing; this is a concern that is heavy on the minds of my classmates. This blogging exercise should be used to reignite a love for writing in myself and others and as an awakening to the possibilities of the world of new media.

I honestly love reading. Still I am selfish in my love for reading, I find reading truly worthwhile when I can relate to the content. It is important for the writer to keep in mind that a it is more pleasurable to read something of interest to the reader. Journalism has changed the way I read media because I am aware of the writer and the reader. The process of blogging should also add something fresh to our writing and it should be interesting how our writing matures through this course.