By Shavaughn Haack
I found that browsing through internet news sites, I was bombarded with bad news. Considering South Africa’s high crime rate it’s interesting which atrocities make the news. Evidently reporters and community members are enraged that good Samaritan, Bianca Warburton was brutally murdered in Alexandra township, the very community she was helping. And with good reason, it seems to be an attempted hijacking but after she was shot, nothing was taken. Unfortunately this kind of irrational violence is not uncommon. What is interesting to me is the intense coverage of this event. My question is what makes one news event more news worthy than another?
The headline, Intern killed on way to help moms and tots, along with the photograph really grabbed my attention. The photo caught my eye because it particularly emotive: a young, happy, attractive couple who will never again meet this side of heaven. I can only imagine the sense of loss and pain that is inevitable for family. Warburton is referred to as an “angel” by The Post. The coverage evokes sad, distraught and angry reactions effectively.
The article is a contribution to the war against crime in South Africa. It is intolerable; people can’t seem to help one another without fearing for their own life. Still, the follow up reports praise the police for their swift action and three arrests. Hopefully justice will be served for the sake of the family and for our country.
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